Monday, January 6, 2014

Repurposed File Cabinet

Last year many things happened, but one important thing that NEEDED to happen was to completely redo my bedroom. I wanted to change it from a grey scale with splashes of maroon to splashes of yellow and black. The darkness needed to be lightened up...well just a bit, I prefer dark colors:)

The one thing about my room is that is small and I fill it with a lot of crap! Soooo the need to stay organized is vital to my sanity.  When I changed everything to match my age (finally) and the colors all worked harmoniously together, I had an eye sore of a filing cabinet. It was burnt orange and was most definately the ugly step child that behaved so badly that you had to march  them to the corner only to later forget you put them there in the first place. Loved the color but it had to go. It didn't match at all! (P.s. I dont believe children are ugly, it's a joke people)

So I was thinking I could do chalk board paint on the whole thing...then I thought naaah chalk is messy. Turns out I repurposed my old childhood dresser into a bench and completely repainted it :) it also just so happened that I bought drawer liner for it (which was silly because I store shoes in it so what would be the point in trying to keep it clean or pretty lol) in a floral patten with greys and yellows. So I grabbed that and started cutting it to fit each side of the file cabinet.

It took some smoothing out with a putty knife but I was surprised that the paper stuck so well. I also had to redo a side, but mistakes in cutting are very easy to make :/ Anyway, so when all was said and done I took a step back I realized it just didn't pop how I'd hoped, sooooo I grabbed my black duck tape (I make wallets from various patterns out of duck tape, ugh yes its been done but hey I'm good at it. Pics to come soon) and went to town on making an edge or border I guess to give it some extra pizzaz. Voila!  Not only did I not have to throw out my old eye sore of a file cabinet and lose all my important documents but it also doubles as a cute night stand and all I needed was a razor blade, one-in-a-half rolls of drawer liner, and duck tape. No purchasing required (these are the best kind of projects).

It was a last minute idea that actually worked out well for me, which doesn't always happen. Plus ill have it for years to come. Bonus! So as you can probablly tell I'm happy about it :)

Thanks for taking the time to read my short novel about a once mismatched file cabinet repurposed into a fabulously functional bedroom piece. ;) feel free to comment!

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