Saturday, December 27, 2014

La A Note To Follow Sew

This is one of my many Christmas present projects. I pulled it off in about 3 days and for the most part I'm happy with the finished results. This Christmas I decided to make all my presents (kicked myself once I started ahhh so much work!). I was utterly stumped when it came to my moms, but then it just hit me one day (and only days before Christmas) that this project was perfect. So I made her a personalized board to hold all of her thread spools for sewing (she's a crafty chick too, I get it from my momma). At least this way she will have it for years and it won't break or fade. Plus side of something home made and not store bought, plus I'm sure this would have costed a pretty penny to have made...but how would I personalize it so it speaks to her?? Well one of our favorite musicals of course!  I grew up watching so many but The Sound of Music has a sewing reference, score!!! Although I did botch a few things (including the lyrics, but that's just always how I sang them), it didn't come out too bad. I did realize how much I hate wood burning and I do have a new found respect for people that do it by hand for a living (if that's such a thing). She loved it despite me being anal when it comes to my artistic imperfections (I need to think things through a bit better sometimes). So this is the result of just how deep my craftyness flows, hope you enjoy :)

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